oh yeah! i had finally knew my 2nd year results. it's a 2nd upper class (not bad huh!)
And now i'll be able to continue with my task. the very first thing i should do is to apply loan. if everything goes fine....come on,if and only if,i am leaving to UK on this coming september.
Well, I always wanted to continue my studies there. But somehow things just don't run-on smoothly. After i talked to my family about my plan, it seems that they don't really agree with it. they want me to continue my studies here in m'sia as i need not to handle my burden of loan when i start my career. I cannot deny what they said is reasonable, but i really feel like flying to UK.
I'm now so damn confused! should i continue with my own plan or should i just follow what they want me to do??
Arghh....someone please give me some advise! =(