Thursday, November 6, 2008

Another sleepness night!!

It’s 11.55pm now, and I guess all my classmates are still busy flipping their Seborg chapter 2 & 11, Donald…Marlin…or whatever books to get prepared for the process system test tomorrow. And as for myself, I got no mood to study at all. All I can say is I AM EXHAUSTED!!! I think I’m getting sick again…aduh!!!!

Truly speaking, this is the worst schooling period I ever had in my entire life. Every day I am racing with time and being afraid that I couldn’t finish my reports. Brenda& Huey Lynn, I must agree with both of you, I don’t freaking know why on earth I chose this Chemical Engineering course when there are more than 1000 choices outside. I felt even more “lucky” once I started my yr2 sem1.

With all the never ending reports, I don’t even have the time to revise any of the lectures. Only the night or a day before the test, I get a chance to flip through the lecture slides and do some exercises (which I think is useless). I used up almost all my time doing reports and get prepared with all the tests (though I screwed up in all of the tests).

Due to all these stresses, I started a very bad habit – smoking! Last time, I only get to smoke before my finals, but now, I smoke like shit! I know it’s bad for health, but I just couldn’t stop it. Anyway, I think I’ll stop after 21st Nov as it’s the last day of my CHEM ENG. Yr2 Sem1. Thank God that it is finally coming to an end….soon! I want my holiday badly. I need to recharge my “battery” and rest my “system” which is already overloaded.
Alright, I think I have to “open” my “valve” again after a 1hr break.
‘Come on~ process system only mar~” ^^

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